The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) has declared a COVID-19 outbreak in London Hall, a Western University campus residence, where there are currently four confirmed positive cases.
The university is collaborating with the MLHU on contact tracing and is supporting students who need to get tested and quarantine.
“We are working closely with the local health unit and are following their recommendations at this time,” said Chris Alleyne, associate vice-president of housing and ancillary services. “Those students who have tested positive are isolating outside of residence. We are delivering them meals, and our staff are in regular contact to ensure students are well supported.”
The university has moved some close contacts to a quarantine location out of an abundance of caution and is notifying those students living in London Hall.
“We know this may be concerning for our students,” said Alleyne. “We have extensive plans in place to support them through this.”
Students, staff and faculty who have COVID-19 symptoms or who have been notified by public health or the COVID Alert app they have been exposed to a confirmed case should self-isolate until they can be tested.
Members of the Western community can receive a COVID-19 test at Western’s COVID-19 testing centre in the Western Student Recreation Centre. The testing centre re-opens Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 9:30 a.m.
Contacts for students and families:
- Students in residence: Please contact or 226-374-8033
- Health-related inquiries: Health & Wellness at or 519-661-3030; Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000or toll-free TTY 1-866-797-0007
- Other inquires: Student Support & Case Management at or 519-661-2111 x89152
Contacts for employees:
- Health-related inquiries: Please contact your family doctor, Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000
- Other inquiries: Human Resources at or 519-494-2958
Additional COVID-19 resources for the campus community can be found on Western’s COVID-19 website and on the MLHU’s website.