Establishing a medium for students to address social, economic, and political issues – while promoting creativity and expression – has resulted in the Ivey Film Festival (IFF).
“We felt that in university students learn the technical skills to be successful, but they’re rarely encouraged to express themselves creatively,” explains co-chair Gabe Diamond.
“It’s something we can do before we graduate to help make difference in the Western community,” says co-chair Lee Berger.
The IFF is presented by CTV Globemedia, the Honours Business Administration Association (HBAA) and the Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship (MIFE). It is also sponsored by the University Students’ Council (USC).
The free film festival is planned for Mar. 4 beginning at 6:45 p.m. at the Richard Ivey School of Business (1R40) where awards will be given for: Overall Film Excellence (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), Social Impact, CTV People’s Choice Award, Best Comedy and Best Documentary. Notable judges include Carrie Wolfe, VP of Publicity and Promo at Alliance Films.
Visit the IFF for more information about the event.