

Western News

Month: June 2009

New Horizons Band Baltic bound

New Horizons Band Baltic bound

Countries around the Baltic Sea are the next musical horizon for an adult concert band from London with strong ties to Western.   About 50 members of the University of Western Ontario Don Wright Faculty of Music New Horizons Band will travel to Stockholm, …

Ivey to build ‘world-class facility’

Ivey to build ‘world-class facility’

Ivey Dean Carol Stephenson says in her six years at The University
of Western Ontario, getting the news that ground will be broken
this summer on a new $100-million building to house the Richard
Ivey School of Business is one her greatest days.

Vehicle break-ins on campus

Vehicle break-ins on campus

Over the last couple of months, almost two dozen incidents of theft
and vandalism to vehicles have occurred in parking lots on campus.

Putting patients in the lecture chair

Putting patients in the lecture chair

Dental patients become the teachers in a unique research program
designed to increase awareness, empathy and understanding of
patient’s perspectives.

Western expands its classroom horizons

Western expands its classroom horizons

From Kenya, to the Czech Republic and Poland to Ghana, University
of Western Ontario professors are bringing the world to their
classroom and introducing their students to the world.

Wind tunnel preps for flight

Wind tunnel preps for flight

Understanding how birds adapt their reproductive and migratory
strategies to environmental pressures will be the focus of The
University of Western Ontario’s latest research facility.

Getting personal with rural medicine

Getting personal with rural medicine

All 147 first-year medical students from the Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry fanned out across southwestern Ontario
this week to experience first-hand all that rural and regional
medicine has to offer.

Western earns two CREATE projects

Western earns two CREATE projects

When The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and
Technology), announced the first wave of grants under the Canadian
government’s new Collaborative Research and Training Experience
(CREATE) Program, two of the 20 successful projects were based at
The University of Western Ontario.

Ivey to build ‘world-class facility’

Ivey to build ‘world-class facility’

Ivey Dean Carol Stephenson says in her six years at The University
of Western Ontario, getting the news that ground will be broken
this summer on a new $100-million building to house the Richard
Ivey School of Business is one her greatest days.

Vehicle break-ins on campus

Vehicle break-ins on campus

Over the last couple of months, almost two dozen incidents of theft
and vandalism to vehicles have occurred in parking lots on campus.

Putting patients in the lecture chair

Putting patients in the lecture chair

Dental patients become the teachers in a unique research program
designed to increase awareness, empathy and understanding of
patient’s perspectives.

Western expands its classroom horizons

Western expands its classroom horizons

From Kenya, to the Czech Republic and Poland to Ghana, University
of Western Ontario professors are bringing the world to their
classroom and introducing their students to the world.

Wind tunnel preps for flight

Wind tunnel preps for flight

Understanding how birds adapt their reproductive and migratory
strategies to environmental pressures will be the focus of The
University of Western Ontario’s latest research facility.

Getting personal with rural medicine

Getting personal with rural medicine

All 147 first-year medical students from the Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry fanned out across southwestern Ontario
this week to experience first-hand all that rural and regional
medicine has to offer.

Western earns two CREATE projects

Western earns two CREATE projects

When The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and
Technology), announced the first wave of grants under the Canadian
government’s new Collaborative Research and Training Experience
(CREATE) Program, two of the 20 successful projects were based at
The University of Western Ontario.