Elgin Austen, Campus Community Police Services director, and his team continue to push for a safer campus. And recent changes should result in just that for the hundreds of cyclists and thousands of pedestrians who travel it every day. Among the key changes:
- Daily complaints from cyclists about drivers passing them resulted in the installation of delineators on the University Drive Bridge. The structures do not allow motorists to pass, keeping all vehicles – autos and cycles – in the legal single file. “Once the delineators were implemented,” Austen says, “we received numerous thanks from individuals and those representing cycling groups. However, in recent weeks, vehicles have driven over these markers, knocking them out of their anchors to the road. The university will reinstall, Austen says, but he stresses the need for safety, education, and good driving habits when it comes to the markers. “Anyone with a driver’s license should be able to stay within a single marked lane.” Austen says. “We are going to try again.”
- Western will install American-style pedestrian signage, 4-feet-tall yellow structures anchored to the asphalt at crucial pedestrian crossings. This will draw even more attention to the crossings, in addition to roadway markings, where traffic is to yield to pedestrians;
- Western has installed a bus shelter at the Oxford Drive crossing from the University Community Centre. As Stevenson and Lawson Halls become academic facilities more students are expected to be in this area. This shelter will provide improved protection.
“All of these new measures have come after complaints, concerns and substantial efforts for improvement,” Austen says.
All total, the improvements reflect a $15,000 investment.