

Western News

Year: 2011

Artist-in-residence pioneers the process

Sean Smith says it’s important to “leave some air” in your plans to make room for what may emerge on the way to accomplishing your goals. And certainly don’t focus on the finish line. “Don’t even think of a finish line. Keep to the process,” …

Stephenson tapped for reform commission

Stephenson tapped for reform commission

Carol Stephenson, Richard Ivey School of Business dean, was named this week to the newly formed Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services.

Western launches new space program

Western launches new space program

Some students are chastised for having their heads in space. A new training program led by The University of Western Ontario will ensure they are rewarded for it – for thinking about space in new ways, that is.

Taking climate change fight to the cities

Taking climate change fight to the cities

As part of the International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC), a new initiative led by Gordon McBean at The University of Western Ontario will help cities around the world mitigate risks created by climate change.

Rare King James Bible on display

Rare King James Bible on display

During the exhibition Sacred Space, the McIntosh Gallery will present a limited engagement display of Western’s own 1613 copy of the King James Bible.

Labatt makes historic donation to university

Labatt makes historic donation to university

Two decades before Canada attained nationhood, John Kinder Labatt was brewing beer in London. More than 160 years later, the Labatt Brewing Company’s documented history returns to the Forest City, finding a permanent home for the iconic collection at The University of Western Ontario.

Canada Post strike looms (Updated June 2)

Canada Post strike looms (Updated June 2)

The University of Western Ontario expects few immediate implications to its operation should a Canada Post strike be called. Although in the short run, some considerations will need to be made by the on-campus community, applicants and alumni should some 48,000 postal workers strike as early as Friday morning.

Walking Tour guidebook now available

Walking Tour guidebook now available

Enjoy some of the lesser known features of The University of Western Ontario campus with the recently released guidebook, “Walking Tour: A self-guided tour of Canada’s most beautiful campus.”

Canadian astronomers land in London

Canadian astronomers land in London

Astronomers from across the country are gathering in London during the next four days to set the course of Canadian astronomical research for the next decade and celebrate Canada’s role in astronomical and astrophysical research.

Heat alert issued

Heat alert issued

The London-Middlesex Health Unit has issued a heat alert for today warning the forecast high of 32 degrees C, combined with very high humidity, will likely create humidex values making the temperature feel like 41 degrees.

You are where you live

You are where you live

Believing geography matters significantly to the health of Canada’s next generation, researchers at The University of Western Ontario are using innovative technology to measure and monitor the physical activities of 1,200 children in 60 elementary schools across Southwestern Ontario.

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Doug Burgoyne’s successful pitch on Dragon’s Den not only provided the investment his moving business needed, it also demonstrated environmentally friendly products can be convenient and affordable. As part of the Richard Ivey School of Business’ 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Day, the president and founder of Frogbox will share the lessons of his journey at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 in Ivey Room 1R40, Main Floor.

Stephenson tapped for reform commission

Stephenson tapped for reform commission

Carol Stephenson, Richard Ivey School of Business dean, was named this week to the newly formed Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services.

Western launches new space program

Western launches new space program

Some students are chastised for having their heads in space. A new training program led by The University of Western Ontario will ensure they are rewarded for it – for thinking about space in new ways, that is.

Taking climate change fight to the cities

Taking climate change fight to the cities

As part of the International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC), a new initiative led by Gordon McBean at The University of Western Ontario will help cities around the world mitigate risks created by climate change.

Rare King James Bible on display

Rare King James Bible on display

During the exhibition Sacred Space, the McIntosh Gallery will present a limited engagement display of Western’s own 1613 copy of the King James Bible.

Labatt makes historic donation to university

Labatt makes historic donation to university

Two decades before Canada attained nationhood, John Kinder Labatt was brewing beer in London. More than 160 years later, the Labatt Brewing Company’s documented history returns to the Forest City, finding a permanent home for the iconic collection at The University of Western Ontario.

Canada Post strike looms (Updated June 2)

Canada Post strike looms (Updated June 2)

The University of Western Ontario expects few immediate implications to its operation should a Canada Post strike be called. Although in the short run, some considerations will need to be made by the on-campus community, applicants and alumni should some 48,000 postal workers strike as early as Friday morning.

Walking Tour guidebook now available

Walking Tour guidebook now available

Enjoy some of the lesser known features of The University of Western Ontario campus with the recently released guidebook, “Walking Tour: A self-guided tour of Canada’s most beautiful campus.”

Canadian astronomers land in London

Canadian astronomers land in London

Astronomers from across the country are gathering in London during the next four days to set the course of Canadian astronomical research for the next decade and celebrate Canada’s role in astronomical and astrophysical research.

Heat alert issued

Heat alert issued

The London-Middlesex Health Unit has issued a heat alert for today warning the forecast high of 32 degrees C, combined with very high humidity, will likely create humidex values making the temperature feel like 41 degrees.

You are where you live

You are where you live

Believing geography matters significantly to the health of Canada’s next generation, researchers at The University of Western Ontario are using innovative technology to measure and monitor the physical activities of 1,200 children in 60 elementary schools across Southwestern Ontario.

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Doug Burgoyne’s successful pitch on Dragon’s Den not only provided the investment his moving business needed, it also demonstrated environmentally friendly products can be convenient and affordable. As part of the Richard Ivey School of Business’ 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Day, the president and founder of Frogbox will share the lessons of his journey at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 in Ivey Room 1R40, Main Floor.