

Western News

Month: March 2013

Engineering project opens eyes to patient communication

Thanks to a group of Western students, a significant healthcare deficiency could soon be solved – all with a blink of an eye. I-COM (Intuitive Communication via Ocular Motion) is the brainchild of third-year Mechatronic Systems Engineering students Anis …

Shaw lecture explores soap, students and stem cells

Shaw lecture explores soap, students and stem cells

Kimberly Woodhouse, dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University, will deliver Western’s 22nd annual Lynda Shaw Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14 in Spencer Engineering Building, Room 3109.

Symposium to discuss you and your health

Symposium to discuss you and your health

Fad diets. Magic weight-loss pills. Miracle six-minute exercise routines. All of these things promise quick results, but do they actually deliver? The 8th annual Exercise and Nutrition Symposium, slated for March 23, will help you decide for yourself.

Campus flooding being monitored

Western community members are advised to continue to stay away from the river and Medway Creek on campus as waters are still running fast, high and cold.

Western joins Hydro One’s engineering partnership

Western joins Hydro One’s engineering partnership

Western recently announced a new partnership with Hydro One, Ryerson University, University of Ontario Institute of Technology and University of Waterloo to increase enrolment and career opportunities for female students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Chronic pain management workshop set

Chronic pain management workshop set

Members of the Western community are invited to a chronic pain management workshop, hosted by the Joint Motion Program and The Arthritis Society of London, scheduled for 4:30-6:30 p.m. March 21 in the University Community Center, room 66.

Kohler awarded Alzheimer Foundation grant

Kohler awarded Alzheimer Foundation grant

Western Psychology professor Stefan Kohler has been awarded the Alzheimer Foundation London and Middlesex Premier Research Grant, a $100,000 grant (over two years) to support research, personnel and supportive infrastructure.

Ivey wins multiple awards at case competition

Ivey wins multiple awards at case competition

Faculty members from the Richard Ivey School of Business have been awarded top honours in three of 14 categories in the 2013 European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD) case-writing competition.

Shaw lecture explores soap, students and stem cells

Shaw lecture explores soap, students and stem cells

Kimberly Woodhouse, dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University, will deliver Western’s 22nd annual Lynda Shaw Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14 in Spencer Engineering Building, Room 3109.

Symposium to discuss you and your health

Symposium to discuss you and your health

Fad diets. Magic weight-loss pills. Miracle six-minute exercise routines. All of these things promise quick results, but do they actually deliver? The 8th annual Exercise and Nutrition Symposium, slated for March 23, will help you decide for yourself.

Campus flooding being monitored

Western community members are advised to continue to stay away from the river and Medway Creek on campus as waters are still running fast, high and cold.

Western joins Hydro One’s engineering partnership

Western joins Hydro One’s engineering partnership

Western recently announced a new partnership with Hydro One, Ryerson University, University of Ontario Institute of Technology and University of Waterloo to increase enrolment and career opportunities for female students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Chronic pain management workshop set

Chronic pain management workshop set

Members of the Western community are invited to a chronic pain management workshop, hosted by the Joint Motion Program and The Arthritis Society of London, scheduled for 4:30-6:30 p.m. March 21 in the University Community Center, room 66.

Kohler awarded Alzheimer Foundation grant

Kohler awarded Alzheimer Foundation grant

Western Psychology professor Stefan Kohler has been awarded the Alzheimer Foundation London and Middlesex Premier Research Grant, a $100,000 grant (over two years) to support research, personnel and supportive infrastructure.

Ivey wins multiple awards at case competition

Ivey wins multiple awards at case competition

Faculty members from the Richard Ivey School of Business have been awarded top honours in three of 14 categories in the 2013 European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD) case-writing competition.