

Western News

Month: November 2017

Study explores how gender defines the gym

Study explores how gender defines the gym

Getting to the gym is hard enough, but when it comes to working out, the stereotypes about men and women you pack along with your water bottle can be far more difficult to overcome than any treadmill or barbell. “Geographers often look at neighbourhood environments...

Gift adds Bard’s Fourth Folio to collection

Gift adds Bard’s Fourth Folio to collection Even in elementary school, Robert Luton loved Shakespeare. The storytelling, the drama, the beauty of the language – it all kept him in rapt attention during performances at the Stratford Festival Theatre. English teachers...

Book celebrates hundred issues of certitude

Book celebrates hundred issues of certitude

It was exactly 30 years ago when Slobodan P. Simonovic published the first volume of the Water Resources Research Report, also known as the Blue Book, while at the University of Manitoba. Since bringing his research lab – the Facility for Intelligent Decision Support...

Course looks to capture a ‘Strange Animal’

Course looks to capture a ‘Strange Animal’

Next time you cross the bridge on University Drive, Tom Cull hopes you’ll look below and look around. Take in your surroundings – the river, the trees, even the beaver you might see, crossing the bridge at dawn as you head to your morning class. This is at the heart...

Sexsmith turns to the page for latest tale

Sexsmith turns to the page for latest tale

Ron Sexsmith was sitting in the waiting room of Penguin Random House Canada with the manuscript for his first book – Deer Life – in hand when a copy of Alice Munro’s Dear Life, sitting on a nearby shelf, caught his eye. “It was just an accident,” laughed the Canadian...

Design captures a moment in time

Design captures a moment in time

Every student wants to leave their mark at Western before they graduate – Ethan Kellough has guaranteed his for at least the next half century. Commissioned by Western’s Canada 150 Committee, the Engineering student created and designed a one-of-a-kind time capsule to...

Researcher goes deep into sleep for answers

Researcher goes deep into sleep for answers

Researchers have known for some time sleep is important for memory formation. This is especially true for procedural memory, the kind that applies to the brain retaining newly learned, how-to tasks, such as riding a bicycle. The processes that occur during sleep and...

Deakin on budget: ‘Tough times are coming’

Deakin on budget: ‘Tough times are coming’

Western faces an uncertain financial future as several challenges are predicted to squeeze the university budget, almost assuring annual deficits between $45 million-$109 million by 2019-20, unless significant changes are made to revenue growth and cost reduction,...

Gift adds Bard’s Fourth Folio to collection

Gift adds Bard’s Fourth Folio to collection Even in elementary school, Robert Luton loved Shakespeare. The storytelling, the drama, the beauty of the language – it all kept him in rapt attention during performances at the Stratford Festival Theatre. English teachers...

Book celebrates hundred issues of certitude

Book celebrates hundred issues of certitude

It was exactly 30 years ago when Slobodan P. Simonovic published the first volume of the Water Resources Research Report, also known as the Blue Book, while at the University of Manitoba. Since bringing his research lab – the Facility for Intelligent Decision Support...

Course looks to capture a ‘Strange Animal’

Course looks to capture a ‘Strange Animal’

Next time you cross the bridge on University Drive, Tom Cull hopes you’ll look below and look around. Take in your surroundings – the river, the trees, even the beaver you might see, crossing the bridge at dawn as you head to your morning class. This is at the heart...

Sexsmith turns to the page for latest tale

Sexsmith turns to the page for latest tale

Ron Sexsmith was sitting in the waiting room of Penguin Random House Canada with the manuscript for his first book – Deer Life – in hand when a copy of Alice Munro’s Dear Life, sitting on a nearby shelf, caught his eye. “It was just an accident,” laughed the Canadian...

Design captures a moment in time

Design captures a moment in time

Every student wants to leave their mark at Western before they graduate – Ethan Kellough has guaranteed his for at least the next half century. Commissioned by Western’s Canada 150 Committee, the Engineering student created and designed a one-of-a-kind time capsule to...

Researcher goes deep into sleep for answers

Researcher goes deep into sleep for answers

Researchers have known for some time sleep is important for memory formation. This is especially true for procedural memory, the kind that applies to the brain retaining newly learned, how-to tasks, such as riding a bicycle. The processes that occur during sleep and...

Deakin on budget: ‘Tough times are coming’

Deakin on budget: ‘Tough times are coming’

Western faces an uncertain financial future as several challenges are predicted to squeeze the university budget, almost assuring annual deficits between $45 million-$109 million by 2019-20, unless significant changes are made to revenue growth and cost reduction,...