Read. Watch. Listen. introduces you the personal side of our faculty, staff and alumni. Participants are asked to answer three simple questions about their reading, viewing and listening habits – what one book or newspaper/magazine article is grabbing your attention; what one movie or television show has caught your eye; and what album/song, podcast or radio show are you lending an ear to.
Beth Greene, a Classical Studies professor, is a field archaeologist who works on Roman sites at Vindolanda, in northern England. At Western, she has developed, along with her colleague, Alex Meyer, a six-week intensive field school program, where students can get a hands-on introduction to field archaeology. The school is a model of experiential learning some students have reported as life-altering.
Today, she takes her turn on Read. Watch. Listen.
Everyone should read Neal Stephenson’s Baroque Cycle. Don’t worry; it’s only 3,000 pages in three volumes – Quicksilver, The Confusion and The System of the World. It’ll be a quick read!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. If you prefer your politics filtered through humour, this is just the thing. Gets into the meat of serious matters that impact us all every day, but with a sense of humour along the way.
The news. Any news. Don’t just read the stuff that is tossed at you online. Find a podcast or news source talking about something that you think is relevant to you. Stay informed, however it works for you. Think about your sources and their biases. Become an active thinker.
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If you have a suggestion for someone you would like to see in Read. Watch. Listen., or would like to participate yourself, drop a line to