

Western News

Campus & Community

Healthy relationships work wins researcher top Vanguard Award 

Healthy relationships work wins researcher top Vanguard Award 

Claire Crooks has received the prestigious annual WORLDiscoveries Vanguard Innovator of the Year award. A clinical psychologist, professor at Western’s Faculty of Education and director of the Centre for School Mental Health, Claire Crooks – along wit …

Robinson:  Thanks for remembering the reserves

Robinson: Thanks for remembering the reserves

I just wanted to say this is truly a great story ‘Western honored for Reserve Force support’ (, May 26). I was a member of the Reserve Force while working here at Western from 1996-2006 and the support I received really benefited my career both in the Canadian Forces and here.

University continues to strengthen ties with Africa

The University of Western Ontario continues to forge ties to higher education in Africa, partnering with two universities to assist in strengthening their strategic plans to better deal with external stakeholders, such as government bodies.

Exhibit brings 1613 King James Bible to light

A rare 1613 edition of the King James translation of the Bible has been pulled off the shelves of Western Libraries offering religious patrons and curious onlookers a glimpse at history.

Donna Peterson and running the show

There was the year a student did a cartwheel across the stage. The time someone handed over a baby during the ceremony. Oh, and don’t forget the year there was a streaker.

Van Dear Graaf:   A salute to my teaching assistants

Van Dear Graaf: A salute to my teaching assistants

Having just completed my first year of studies at Western, I have been sitting around home reminiscing about my year. One thing that became apparent to me during this time is the influence a TA can have on a course and a student.

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

Western’s participation in the annual RONA MS Bike Tour looks to get a financial boost Thursday with a fundraising barbecue on the Concrete Beach.

Taking climate change fight to the cities

Taking climate change fight to the cities

As part of the International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC), a new initiative led by Gordon McBean at The University of Western Ontario will help cities around the world mitigate risks created by climate change.

Canadian astronomers land in London

Canadian astronomers land in London

Astronomers from across the country are gathering in London during the next four days to set the course of Canadian astronomical research for the next decade and celebrate Canada’s role in astronomical and astrophysical research.

Rare King James Bible on display

Rare King James Bible on display

During the exhibition Sacred Space, the McIntosh Gallery will present a limited engagement display of Western’s own 1613 copy of the King James Bible.

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Doug Burgoyne’s successful pitch on Dragon’s Den not only provided the investment his moving business needed, it also demonstrated environmentally friendly products can be convenient and affordable. As part of the Richard Ivey School of Business’ 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Day, the president and founder of Frogbox will share the lessons of his journey at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 in Ivey Room 1R40, Main Floor.

ArtShare helps campus deck the walls

How would you like to spruce up your office with the colourful artwork of Gerald Trottier or Bob Bozak? How about decorating your department’s common space with the artistic styles of Margot Ariss or Gilbert Moll? What’s stopping you?

Robinson:  Thanks for remembering the reserves

Robinson: Thanks for remembering the reserves

I just wanted to say this is truly a great story ‘Western honored for Reserve Force support’ (, May 26). I was a member of the Reserve Force while working here at Western from 1996-2006 and the support I received really benefited my career both in the Canadian Forces and here.

University continues to strengthen ties with Africa

The University of Western Ontario continues to forge ties to higher education in Africa, partnering with two universities to assist in strengthening their strategic plans to better deal with external stakeholders, such as government bodies.

Exhibit brings 1613 King James Bible to light

A rare 1613 edition of the King James translation of the Bible has been pulled off the shelves of Western Libraries offering religious patrons and curious onlookers a glimpse at history.

Donna Peterson and running the show

There was the year a student did a cartwheel across the stage. The time someone handed over a baby during the ceremony. Oh, and don’t forget the year there was a streaker.

Van Dear Graaf:   A salute to my teaching assistants

Van Dear Graaf: A salute to my teaching assistants

Having just completed my first year of studies at Western, I have been sitting around home reminiscing about my year. One thing that became apparent to me during this time is the influence a TA can have on a course and a student.

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

Western’s participation in the annual RONA MS Bike Tour looks to get a financial boost Thursday with a fundraising barbecue on the Concrete Beach.

Taking climate change fight to the cities

Taking climate change fight to the cities

As part of the International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC), a new initiative led by Gordon McBean at The University of Western Ontario will help cities around the world mitigate risks created by climate change.

Canadian astronomers land in London

Canadian astronomers land in London

Astronomers from across the country are gathering in London during the next four days to set the course of Canadian astronomical research for the next decade and celebrate Canada’s role in astronomical and astrophysical research.

Rare King James Bible on display

Rare King James Bible on display

During the exhibition Sacred Space, the McIntosh Gallery will present a limited engagement display of Western’s own 1613 copy of the King James Bible.

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Frogbox founder joins Ivey CSR Day

Doug Burgoyne’s successful pitch on Dragon’s Den not only provided the investment his moving business needed, it also demonstrated environmentally friendly products can be convenient and affordable. As part of the Richard Ivey School of Business’ 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Day, the president and founder of Frogbox will share the lessons of his journey at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 in Ivey Room 1R40, Main Floor.

ArtShare helps campus deck the walls

How would you like to spruce up your office with the colourful artwork of Gerald Trottier or Bob Bozak? How about decorating your department’s common space with the artistic styles of Margot Ariss or Gilbert Moll? What’s stopping you?