

Western News

Bone & Joint Institute

Big step forward in researching knee pain 

Big step forward in researching knee pain 

Knees are among our hardest-working joints. They help us walk, pivot, jump and climb stairs.  But strain, pain and diseases like arthritis can damage them so badly they need to be replaced. And unless they’re designed, installed and loaded properly,  …

Grad’s pitch for sport science helps Blue Jays

Grad’s pitch for sport science helps Blue Jays

When the the Toronto Blue Jays aim for even greater heights next season, Clare Padmore hopes to share in their success as a biolmechanical engineer working to help ballplayers achieve their athletic potential.
Padmore graduates this fall with her PhD in biomechanics and biomechanical engineering and joins a community of more than 315,000 Western alumni worldwide.

Grad’s pitch for sport science helps Blue Jays

Grad’s pitch for sport science helps Blue Jays

When the the Toronto Blue Jays aim for even greater heights next season, Clare Padmore hopes to share in their success as a biolmechanical engineer working to help ballplayers achieve their athletic potential.
Padmore graduates this fall with her PhD in biomechanics and biomechanical engineering and joins a community of more than 315,000 Western alumni worldwide.