

Western News

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Western study uncovers toll of economic abuse on rural women

Western study uncovers toll of economic abuse on rural women

Blocked from pursuing their careers and left without any source of income. Isolated from friends, coworkers and community. Low credit scores or resumé gaps that dog them for years after the abuse.  A new study from Western researchers highlights the t …

Research explores smell’s role in bird mating

Research explores smell’s role in bird mating

When it comes to a song sparrow attracting a mate, the little feathered fellow may want forget about the singing audition and worry more about his smell, according to one Western PhD student.

Bird’s eye view offers insight into building strikes

Bird’s eye view offers insight into building strikes

Brandon Samuels plans to set up cameras this January in hopes of catching footage of birds crashing into windows across campus. Honestly, he really is a nice guy – it’s for science. The Biology PhD student is working on ways to help mitigate the number of birds...

Researcher riffs off brain’s role in improvisation

Researcher riffs off brain’s role in improvisation

When you think improvisation, your mind may turn to the likes of John Coltrane or Oscar Peterson. While these giants played traditionally composed tunes, they never seemed to play them the same way twice. Like other masters of musical improvisation, they felt free to...

‘Recovered’ concussed athletes returning to play too soon

‘Recovered’ concussed athletes returning to play too soon

Doctors who give student-athletes the ‘all clear’ to return to play following a concussion may be under-estimating the lingering cognitive impairment that persists, Western researchers say. Kinesiology professor Matthew Heath said concussed athletes demonstrate a...

School tackles ‘big job’ of Indigenous health

School tackles ‘big job’ of Indigenous health

Because there’s no time to lose, Vanessa Ambtman-Smith plans to explore an in-hospital medicine lodge on her way to join other scholars at the inaugural Indigenous Mentorship Network Summer School in Sudbury next week. “We have to hit the ground running because there...

Recording rediscovery brings past to life

Recording rediscovery brings past to life

Bimadoshka Pucan feels she was chosen to find the long-forgotten voices silenced in the basement of Museum London. “It came at a time when I was questioning my identity as a Saugeen person, my personal growth and how I looked at the world,” said Pucan, a Saugeen First...

Study: Creativity is state of mind, can be trained

Study: Creativity is state of mind, can be trained

As an undergraduate student at York University, Joel Lopata was studying film production and jazz performance when a discrepancy became apparent. “I noticed students in the jazz program were really developing a language of creative engagement, whereas in the film...

Kubrick’s AI nightmare, 50 years later

Kubrick’s AI nightmare, 50 years later

As David Bowman – the surviving crew member aboard the Discovery One spacecraft in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey – disassembles HAL 9000, the sentient computer pleads in an affectless, monotone voice: “I’m afraid, Dave.” “Dave, my mind is going. I can feel...

Award empowers student to take next step

Award empowers student to take next step

Angela McInnes, journalist, has finally arrived. “It’s cool to know that not only am I’m going to be paid for my craft, but I can finally put that first,” said the Master of Media in Journalism & Communication student. “I’ve been juggling writing with school...

Research explores smell’s role in bird mating

Research explores smell’s role in bird mating

When it comes to a song sparrow attracting a mate, the little feathered fellow may want forget about the singing audition and worry more about his smell, according to one Western PhD student.

Bird’s eye view offers insight into building strikes

Bird’s eye view offers insight into building strikes

Brandon Samuels plans to set up cameras this January in hopes of catching footage of birds crashing into windows across campus. Honestly, he really is a nice guy – it’s for science. The Biology PhD student is working on ways to help mitigate the number of birds...

Researcher riffs off brain’s role in improvisation

Researcher riffs off brain’s role in improvisation

When you think improvisation, your mind may turn to the likes of John Coltrane or Oscar Peterson. While these giants played traditionally composed tunes, they never seemed to play them the same way twice. Like other masters of musical improvisation, they felt free to...

‘Recovered’ concussed athletes returning to play too soon

‘Recovered’ concussed athletes returning to play too soon

Doctors who give student-athletes the ‘all clear’ to return to play following a concussion may be under-estimating the lingering cognitive impairment that persists, Western researchers say. Kinesiology professor Matthew Heath said concussed athletes demonstrate a...

School tackles ‘big job’ of Indigenous health

School tackles ‘big job’ of Indigenous health

Because there’s no time to lose, Vanessa Ambtman-Smith plans to explore an in-hospital medicine lodge on her way to join other scholars at the inaugural Indigenous Mentorship Network Summer School in Sudbury next week. “We have to hit the ground running because there...

Recording rediscovery brings past to life

Recording rediscovery brings past to life

Bimadoshka Pucan feels she was chosen to find the long-forgotten voices silenced in the basement of Museum London. “It came at a time when I was questioning my identity as a Saugeen person, my personal growth and how I looked at the world,” said Pucan, a Saugeen First...

Study: Creativity is state of mind, can be trained

Study: Creativity is state of mind, can be trained

As an undergraduate student at York University, Joel Lopata was studying film production and jazz performance when a discrepancy became apparent. “I noticed students in the jazz program were really developing a language of creative engagement, whereas in the film...

Kubrick’s AI nightmare, 50 years later

Kubrick’s AI nightmare, 50 years later

As David Bowman – the surviving crew member aboard the Discovery One spacecraft in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey – disassembles HAL 9000, the sentient computer pleads in an affectless, monotone voice: “I’m afraid, Dave.” “Dave, my mind is going. I can feel...

Award empowers student to take next step

Award empowers student to take next step

Angela McInnes, journalist, has finally arrived. “It’s cool to know that not only am I’m going to be paid for my craft, but I can finally put that first,” said the Master of Media in Journalism & Communication student. “I’ve been juggling writing with school...