

Western News

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Beyond 215 hours of mourning: A statement to the community

Beyond 215 hours of mourning: A statement to the community

Western president Alan Shepard, provost Sarah Prichard, and associate vice-president, Indigenous Initiatives, Christy R. Bressette, issued this statement today: Today marks the end of a 215-hour period of mourning, honouring the lives of 215 children wh …

‘People are now ready to do something.’

‘People are now ready to do something.’

Western professor Victoria Esses stressed that our nature is to help. “People want to do something, but they need a solution,” said the Director of Western’s Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations. “Sometimes, if you’re bombarded with information and,...

‘People are now ready to do something.’

‘People are now ready to do something.’

Western professor Victoria Esses stressed that our nature is to help. “People want to do something, but they need a solution,” said the Director of Western’s Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations. “Sometimes, if you’re bombarded with information and,...