

Western News

Month: February 2009

Province boosts graduate enrolment

Province boosts graduate enrolment

With cutbacks, downturns and layoffs leading most daily newscasts, The University of Western Ontario received positive financial news today in the form of increased funding for 504 new graduate student spaces.   The Ontario government will fund 274 new m …

Four Canada Research Chairs for Western

Four Canada Research Chairs for Western

Four researchers from The University of Western Ontario were
announced as the university’s newest Canada Research Chairs. The
funding value of the four Chairs announced for Western totals $3.8

What Banged?

What Banged?

Over the last two decades, powerful new observations have lent
overwhelming support to the idea that everything in the visible
universe emerged from a Big Bang, 14 billion years ago.

Violence in hockey symposium

Violence in hockey symposium

Continuing the work of the Middlesex-London Health Unit in raising
awareness of the issues surround violence in hockey – from house
league to professional teams – a Violence in Hockey Symposium is
scheduled for Tuesday (Feb. 24) at the London Convention Centre.

Mustangs Backcourt Club unveils honourees

Mustangs Backcourt Club unveils honourees

The Western Mustangs Backcourt Club, the men’s basketball alumni
group, will be honouring a new class of extraordinary athletes at
their awards banquet on April 4.

International Education Week Feb. 24-27

International Education Week Feb. 24-27

International and cross-cultural learning experiences for students,
faculty and staff will be showcased at The University of Western
Ontario’s International Education Week Feb. 24-27.

Raising children in a violent society

Raising children in a violent society

The Faculty of Education Research Seminar Series continues this
Friday afternoon (Feb. 20) with a discussion on children growing in
a violent society.

Why evolution?

Why evolution?

This first of four lectures looking at the effect evolution has had
on science and everyday life, is scheduled for Monday (Feb. 23) at
the Central Library’s Wolf Performance Hall (251 Dundas St.) from 7
until 9 p.m.

Four Canada Research Chairs for Western

Four Canada Research Chairs for Western

Four researchers from The University of Western Ontario were
announced as the university’s newest Canada Research Chairs. The
funding value of the four Chairs announced for Western totals $3.8

What Banged?

What Banged?

Over the last two decades, powerful new observations have lent
overwhelming support to the idea that everything in the visible
universe emerged from a Big Bang, 14 billion years ago.

Violence in hockey symposium

Violence in hockey symposium

Continuing the work of the Middlesex-London Health Unit in raising
awareness of the issues surround violence in hockey – from house
league to professional teams – a Violence in Hockey Symposium is
scheduled for Tuesday (Feb. 24) at the London Convention Centre.

Mustangs Backcourt Club unveils honourees

Mustangs Backcourt Club unveils honourees

The Western Mustangs Backcourt Club, the men’s basketball alumni
group, will be honouring a new class of extraordinary athletes at
their awards banquet on April 4.

International Education Week Feb. 24-27

International Education Week Feb. 24-27

International and cross-cultural learning experiences for students,
faculty and staff will be showcased at The University of Western
Ontario’s International Education Week Feb. 24-27.

Raising children in a violent society

Raising children in a violent society

The Faculty of Education Research Seminar Series continues this
Friday afternoon (Feb. 20) with a discussion on children growing in
a violent society.

Why evolution?

Why evolution?

This first of four lectures looking at the effect evolution has had
on science and everyday life, is scheduled for Monday (Feb. 23) at
the Central Library’s Wolf Performance Hall (251 Dundas St.) from 7
until 9 p.m.