The Public Humanities @ Western presents the launch of Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation Through the Lens of Cultural Diversity, the third and final volume in the Aboriginal Healing Foundation’s series on Truth and Reconciliation, on Monday, Oct. 3.
A panel discussion will be held 5:30-7 p.m. in Conron Hall, University College. Admission to the event is free.
The book’s editors Jonathan Dewar, director of research, Aboriginal Healing Foundation, and Ashok Mathur, Canada Research Chair in Cultural and Artistic Inquiry, Thompson Rivers University, will introduce Cultivating Canada, which examines how immigrants, minorities and artists relate to the issue of reconciliation. This will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by University of Western Ontario English professor Pauline Wakeham, featuring some of the book’s contributors, including Dewar, Mathur, Miriam Jordan, London artist and activist Jamelie Hassan, and Windsor-based curator Srimoyee Mitra.
Following the panel discussion, join the contributors to Cultivating Canada and guests for a reception catered by the Tsi Niyukwali ho:tu Learning Centre. The book launch and reception begins at 7 p.m. in the McIntosh Gallery. Receive a free copy of the book and tour Cree artist Kent Monkman’s installation The Théâtre de Cristal, part of the McIntosh Gallery’s Barocco Nova exhibition.
A new program of Western’s Arts and Humanities Faculty, The Public Humanities @ Western promotes innovative public knowledge creation and teaching through community collaboration. The Public Humanities @ Western cultivates a vibrant campus-community dialogue while enhancing citizenship through engagement with the arts and humanities.
Cultivating Canada is the inaugural event for The Public Humanities @ Western. It has been organized and presented in collaboration with Western’s Indigenous Health and Well-Being Initiative and McIntosh Gallery.
For more information about upcoming events or to get involved with The Public Humanities @ Western, contact Josh Lambier at
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