

Western News

Year: 2011

Track athlete strikes a rhythm at Parapan Am Games

Jacqueline Rennebohm has been in this position before. She has heard the cheers from the international crowds as colourful flags stream across the sky and has felt the butterflies in her stomach while she digs her shoes into the track. This time was no di …

Top grad students earn gold medals

Ken Valyear, who completed his PhD in Neuroscience in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Chris Bundock, who completed his PhD in the Department of English, were selected as the two Governor General’s Gold Medal recipients as graduate students with the highest academic standing.

Exhibit brings 1613 King James Bible to light

A rare 1613 edition of the King James translation of the Bible has been pulled off the shelves of Western Libraries offering religious patrons and curious onlookers a glimpse at history.

University continues to strengthen ties with Africa

The University of Western Ontario continues to forge ties to higher education in Africa, partnering with two universities to assist in strengthening their strategic plans to better deal with external stakeholders, such as government bodies.

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

Western’s participation in the annual RONA MS Bike Tour looks to get a financial boost Thursday with a fundraising barbecue on the Concrete Beach.

Federal budget tells similar story

Federal budget tells similar story

The reintroduced federal budget tabled by Canadian finance minister Jim Flaherty Monday restated the investment in areas of education and training first brought forward in May.

Humidex warning continues (Updated)

Humidex warning continues (Updated)

Environment Canada’s local humidex advisory continues Wednesday, June 8. Precautions are urged for those members of The University of Western Ontario community working outside.

Faculties nab international recognition

Faculties nab international recognition

The departments of Philosophy, History, Geography and English are among the best in the world according to QS World University Rankings for Arts and Humanities.

Canada Post strike forces adjustments

Canada Post strike forces adjustments

The University of Western Ontario expects few immediate implications to its operation after a Canada Post rolling strike was called late last night. Although in the short run, some considerations will need to be made by the on-campus community, applicants and alumni now that 48,000 postal workers are out.

Top grad students earn gold medals

Ken Valyear, who completed his PhD in Neuroscience in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Chris Bundock, who completed his PhD in the Department of English, were selected as the two Governor General’s Gold Medal recipients as graduate students with the highest academic standing.

Exhibit brings 1613 King James Bible to light

A rare 1613 edition of the King James translation of the Bible has been pulled off the shelves of Western Libraries offering religious patrons and curious onlookers a glimpse at history.

University continues to strengthen ties with Africa

The University of Western Ontario continues to forge ties to higher education in Africa, partnering with two universities to assist in strengthening their strategic plans to better deal with external stakeholders, such as government bodies.

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

RONA MS Bike Tour eyes boost

Western’s participation in the annual RONA MS Bike Tour looks to get a financial boost Thursday with a fundraising barbecue on the Concrete Beach.

Federal budget tells similar story

Federal budget tells similar story

The reintroduced federal budget tabled by Canadian finance minister Jim Flaherty Monday restated the investment in areas of education and training first brought forward in May.

Humidex warning continues (Updated)

Humidex warning continues (Updated)

Environment Canada’s local humidex advisory continues Wednesday, June 8. Precautions are urged for those members of The University of Western Ontario community working outside.

Faculties nab international recognition

Faculties nab international recognition

The departments of Philosophy, History, Geography and English are among the best in the world according to QS World University Rankings for Arts and Humanities.

Canada Post strike forces adjustments

Canada Post strike forces adjustments

The University of Western Ontario expects few immediate implications to its operation after a Canada Post rolling strike was called late last night. Although in the short run, some considerations will need to be made by the on-campus community, applicants and alumni now that 48,000 postal workers are out.