

Western News

Year: 2013

Bootcamp targets gap in radiation oncologist training

For the patient with laryngeal cancer – a cancer of the voice box – radiation therapy can be a lifeline. Alternately, it could be the thing that takes the patient’s voice, before the disease takes their life. This is precisely why radiation oncolo …

2012-13 Awards for Excellence in Teaching

KATHRYN BRUSH Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts and Humanities EDWARD G. PLEVA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING In her 26 years at Western, Visual Arts professor Kathryn Brush has distinguished herself as both teacher and researcher, as her research has always nourished...

Student death stuns university

Student death stuns university

The Western community is mourning the death of Noah Kishinevsky, 19, a first-year student and resident of Saugeen-Maitland Hall, who was found dead on Monday night following a search by both police and community members.

Ihnatowycz, Martin, Tsui tapped for honorary degrees

Ihnatowycz, Martin, Tsui tapped for honorary degrees

The past dean of Harvard Medical School, a global leader in sustainable investing and a Killam Award-winning geneticist will receive honorary degrees from Western at the 2013 convocations for the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry’s Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, the Richard Ivey School of Business’ Master of Business Administration (MBA) program and Western’s Hong Kong campus, respectively.

Western mourns student

Western mourns student

The Western community is mourning the death of Noah Kishinevsky, 19, a first-year Faculty of Science student and resident of Saugeen Maitland Hall, who died Sunday, March 17.

2012-13 Awards for Excellence in Teaching

KATHRYN BRUSH Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts and Humanities EDWARD G. PLEVA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING In her 26 years at Western, Visual Arts professor Kathryn Brush has distinguished herself as both teacher and researcher, as her research has always nourished...

Student death stuns university

Student death stuns university

The Western community is mourning the death of Noah Kishinevsky, 19, a first-year student and resident of Saugeen-Maitland Hall, who was found dead on Monday night following a search by both police and community members.

Ihnatowycz, Martin, Tsui tapped for honorary degrees

Ihnatowycz, Martin, Tsui tapped for honorary degrees

The past dean of Harvard Medical School, a global leader in sustainable investing and a Killam Award-winning geneticist will receive honorary degrees from Western at the 2013 convocations for the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry’s Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, the Richard Ivey School of Business’ Master of Business Administration (MBA) program and Western’s Hong Kong campus, respectively.

Western mourns student

Western mourns student

The Western community is mourning the death of Noah Kishinevsky, 19, a first-year Faculty of Science student and resident of Saugeen Maitland Hall, who died Sunday, March 17.