Camille Intson
Camille Intson, a third-year English and Theatre and Performance Studies student, is an accomplished playwright whose works have been produced professionally across the country. Winner of a National Playwriting Contest, she is the co-founder and director of ArtLaunch Theatre Company.
Already a published poet, ex-harpist and Hamilton Music Award-winning singer/songwriter, Intson, 20, was named the winner of a National Playwriting Contest in 2017 for a show she wrote and developed at the Grand Theatre in London.
Following the production of her first foray into theatre, Intson wrote Road, an experimental, “expressionist-esque” show featuring four strangers on a train who flow in and out of each other’s consciousness. On a whim, she submitted the piece to the Grand Theatre, which annually invites submissions from professional and amateur writers in southwestern Ontario, selecting choice pieces for professional staging showcases.
Earlier this year, Road was selected out of 300 plays worldwide to be staged in a professional setting at a festival in Vancouver. It also won the Newmarket National Play Festival competition in which 24 Canadian plays are performed over a weekend in July.