Starting Friday, April 26, Inside Western will now arrive in your Western e-mailbox twice a week – Tuesdays and Fridays.
Launched in February 2018, Inside Western looked to answer the frequent calls in recent years for a single e-publication to serve as a one-stop shop for Western news and information.
Thanks to you, it has been a wild success. Each Tuesday for the last year, thousands of you have engaged with our timely mix of Western-centric news, research, personality profiles, opinions and information from across campus – and around the world. You have suggested stories, contributed ideas, even requested new features.
Our team is thrilled to offer you a second weekly edition.
In the fall, we look to add in some new features we think might get you looking at the campus – and your coworkers – in new and exciting ways.
Remember, Inside Western is a living publication for the campus community that depends on the engagement of its audience. Feedback, contributions and ideas from across campus are welcome. Email content ideas to any time. Or for details or questions, contact Angie Wiseman, Editorial Coordinator, at
Thank you for your support. We hope you continue to enjoy.