Read. Watch. Listen. introduces you to the personal side of our faculty, staff and alumni. Participants are asked to answer three simple questions about their reading, viewing and listening habits – what one book or newspaper/magazine article is grabbing your attention; what one movie or television show has caught your eye; and what album/song, podcast or radio show are you lending an ear to.
Cindy Mora Stock is a postdoctoral scholar in Earth Sciences.
Today, she takes a turn on Read. Watch. Listen.
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I am in a state of waiting – waiting for the book to come out, for the album to come out, for the second part of the series to come out.
Currently waiting for A Conspiracy of Bones, the latest book from Kathy Reich and the Bones Series. I have read all the previous ones. I like the mix of crime, suspense, anthropology, and science Kathy puts in her stories. Plus, she is a forensic anthropologist and has worked in the field. Most of her stories have a real component – a real case she worked on – which she tells at the end of each book. While waiting, I just started The Widow by Fiona Barton. Guess I like crime and suspense.
Currently waiting for the second part of The Witcher.
I recently saw the series Broken in Netflix. These are docuseries that portrait “how negligence and deceit in the production and marketing of popular consumer items can result in dire outcomes.” I found it very eye-opening on how tobacco industry is behind of Juul, for example, making young people addicted putting their health at higher risk. Also some things I knew but never seems to amaze me: plastic pollution and how the companies are responsible for heading to more environmentally friendly packages, but instead prefer to pass the problem to the consumer and keep producing something non-recyclable.
I’m listening on a loop to the recent single from My Dying Bride, Your Broken Shore. They are coming out with their 12th LP album The Ghost of Orion in March, and they are celebrating 30 years this year. Definitely a band not for everyone, but worth listening if you like Anathema, Paradise Lost, and such ‘doomy and gloomy’ UK-based bands. It is a sound I haven’t found in any other band, and that is what I love about them.
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