Karen Bertrand has been appointed Western’s new Vice-President (University Advancement) effective Aug. 1. Reporting to the President and Vice-Chancellor, Bertrand will oversee the portfolio dedicated to engaging and building long-term relationships wi …
Featured 3
Amazing spider mite silk key to new nanomaterial ‘stronger than steel’
The gorse spider mite has provided a Western research team with the genomic framework for new bio-nanomaterials based on its silk.
Yolanda Hedberg new Wolfe-Western Fellow
The award acknowledges the work and promise of a young researcher and newly recruited faculty member.
Plot twist: spoilers can boost films’ success
Reviews and trailers that reveal a movie’s plot can draw a bigger audience and more box-office dollars, a Western study shows.
Engineering fellowships created for Indigenous and Black doctoral students
The new fellowships will support and increase representation among students heading towards academic and industry careers.
Shane Wang named top marketing scholar
Associate professor of marketing is first Ivey recipient of Marketing Science Institute Class of Young Scholars honour.
Report tells stories of Indigenous resilience through COVID-19
Narratives of strength and hope during COVID-19 are the focus of a new report on Indigenous health.
Western students help stroke patients feeling the absence of in-person care
Ganathyashan Chelliahpillai and Varunaavee Sivashanmugathas create stroke rehabilitation kits to mitigate the loss of in-person programs.
Music sparks virtual connections with the community’s most vulnerable
When David Zheng, a third-year medical student at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, finished playing the last few notes of a Chopin piece over video chat, the woman on the other end of the call smiled. Zheng is leading a volunteer team bringing music to long-term care homes.
New Education scholarships for Indigenous grad students and people living with disabilities
Western is clearing a pathway for people who have historically faced social and economic barriers, with a new scholarship program for graduate students who are Indigenous or living with disabilities.
Western alumna Andrea Benoit wins business-book award
An alumna’s book detailing one of Canada’s great, previously untold business philanthropy stories has won a major award book.
Western student first to spot asteroid speeding past Earth
Western astronomy student Cole Gregg spotted a previously undiscovered asteroid flashing through the night sky.
Amazing spider mite silk key to new nanomaterial ‘stronger than steel’
The gorse spider mite has provided a Western research team with the genomic framework for new bio-nanomaterials based on its silk.
Yolanda Hedberg new Wolfe-Western Fellow
The award acknowledges the work and promise of a young researcher and newly recruited faculty member.
Plot twist: spoilers can boost films’ success
Reviews and trailers that reveal a movie’s plot can draw a bigger audience and more box-office dollars, a Western study shows.
Engineering fellowships created for Indigenous and Black doctoral students
The new fellowships will support and increase representation among students heading towards academic and industry careers.
Shane Wang named top marketing scholar
Associate professor of marketing is first Ivey recipient of Marketing Science Institute Class of Young Scholars honour.
Report tells stories of Indigenous resilience through COVID-19
Narratives of strength and hope during COVID-19 are the focus of a new report on Indigenous health.
Western students help stroke patients feeling the absence of in-person care
Ganathyashan Chelliahpillai and Varunaavee Sivashanmugathas create stroke rehabilitation kits to mitigate the loss of in-person programs.
Music sparks virtual connections with the community’s most vulnerable
When David Zheng, a third-year medical student at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, finished playing the last few notes of a Chopin piece over video chat, the woman on the other end of the call smiled. Zheng is leading a volunteer team bringing music to long-term care homes.
New Education scholarships for Indigenous grad students and people living with disabilities
Western is clearing a pathway for people who have historically faced social and economic barriers, with a new scholarship program for graduate students who are Indigenous or living with disabilities.
Western alumna Andrea Benoit wins business-book award
An alumna’s book detailing one of Canada’s great, previously untold business philanthropy stories has won a major award book.
Western student first to spot asteroid speeding past Earth
Western astronomy student Cole Gregg spotted a previously undiscovered asteroid flashing through the night sky.