In communities and classrooms around the country, Western history professor Jonathan Vance’s First World War postcard project is teaching a new generation about the everyday people who fought in one of the world’s deadliest wars. Vance completed …

In communities and classrooms around the country, Western history professor Jonathan Vance’s First World War postcard project is teaching a new generation about the everyday people who fought in one of the world’s deadliest wars. Vance completed …
New research explores pain management strategies including the use of prescription medications and alcohol
As a panellist, Serena Mendizabal offers insights on Just Transition and youth-led climate action
Western neuroscientists analyze timing of brain activity patterns in new study
Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission member will give keynote at the Peter Jaffe Lectures on Ending Domestic Violence
With $8M in funding, Dr. Robyn Klein will set up Canada’s first-ever research program studying impact of infectious diseases on the brain
Western will ‘pioneer’ clean technology research in renewable energy, sustainable materials and environmental sciences
The new PhD from Schulich Medicine & Dentistry is also on the Canadian national underwater hockey team
One in six deaths from opioids in Ontario in 2021 were of people experiencing homelessness, find researchers
Some of the many flavours of Western’s 74th Homecoming celebrations
The history of Nobel laureates offers a unique lens into the quest for an end to conflict
Highlights from Orientation Week 2023
Western and Lawson study also finds Vitamin D supplements do not enhance cognition in seniors with mild impairment
New research explores pain management strategies including the use of prescription medications and alcohol
As a panellist, Serena Mendizabal offers insights on Just Transition and youth-led climate action
Western neuroscientists analyze timing of brain activity patterns in new study
Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission member will give keynote at the Peter Jaffe Lectures on Ending Domestic Violence
With $8M in funding, Dr. Robyn Klein will set up Canada’s first-ever research program studying impact of infectious diseases on the brain
Western will ‘pioneer’ clean technology research in renewable energy, sustainable materials and environmental sciences
The new PhD from Schulich Medicine & Dentistry is also on the Canadian national underwater hockey team
One in six deaths from opioids in Ontario in 2021 were of people experiencing homelessness, find researchers
Some of the many flavours of Western’s 74th Homecoming celebrations
The history of Nobel laureates offers a unique lens into the quest for an end to conflict
Highlights from Orientation Week 2023
Western and Lawson study also finds Vitamin D supplements do not enhance cognition in seniors with mild impairment